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Gratitude to all my relationships…

My friends, my peers in practice.

My teachers, past, present and future.

Those whose presence and actions I have been moved by...

Dr Rizal Iskandar, for instilling in me the value of integrity. 

Hands Percussion, for planting the seed that movement is my gift as well as my medicine.

Hoi Cheng Sim, for your undiscounted attention in teaching my body discipline through technique.

Lauren Aizlewood, for steering me towards the path of dance.  

Rosemary Brandt, for firstly opening the choreological doorway and now passing on the torch for me to continue sharing this work.

David Waring, for a rigorous yet rewarding year of mindfulness and performance.

Jamie Blowers, to have first instilled the spirit of play in my practice, subsequently my teaching.


Dulce Mandala, to have shown me a way of blending craft with heritage. 

Naomi Absalom, for setting me off uncharted territories with your unconditional company.


Mathew Cohen & Tomislav English, to have expanded my horizon of how various disciplines can synergise.


Jambo Truong, for your continuous blessing and encouragement, and overall source of viltality.

Mimi Young, for your encouragement to lean into my culture as a portal to navigate from intuition.

Wayne, for being my anchor always.

My brothxrs, for walking with me along the path of (trans)forming masculinities in loving tenderness and care. 

My role models: Michelle Yeoh, Sandra Oh, Stefanie Sun, Utada Hikaru, Sara Bareilles, Ocean Vuong, John O’Donohue whose works touched me through the phases of understanding myself.


Those who come before me: My parents, my grandparents, my ancestors and Dao (the Source that is One).

Thank you. 

David 家伟.

Special thanks to Des Iles Photography for seeing me deeply through your photography and videography. 



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