"The wound is also the place where the skin reencounters itself."
- Ocean Vuong, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous
I lean upon these words by to stay hopeful.
It’s #InternationalDayofHappiness today, however I must acknowledge that joy can coexist with the devastation and overwhelm I've felt to be hearing stories across the globe where those who share my skin have been hurt. Those around them who are still hurting. Those whose lives, ambitions and dreams have been cut short by the actions of another.
My thoughts have been with them this past week, feeling as much rage as an Asian as the guilt I feel as a man of privilege amidst the simple joys of a sunny weekend.
I am hopeful that these 'wounds' will not be for nothing. That they serve as catalysts for how we reencounter ourselves as a human race, and how we redefine what peace, unity and equality means.
I hope that we will reencounter complexities as something we look into and not shy away from. That real solutions will surface from greater solidarity and radical action. That we will reevaluate our participations as global citizens. That social justice and activism will no longer be buzzwords, but something deeply embodied in every single one of us.
I hope that we will remember just how fiercely we can love.
Let us be that change. Starting from the body.
Classes this week will be free for all ESEA folx, with encouragement for non-ESEA folx to sponsor these places.
Book Here.
How to navigate #StopAsianHate and keep the conversation going.
Read : The Atlanta Shootings Fit into a Long Legacy of Anti-Asian Violence in America. (Time)
Donate : their stories and directly give back to the families of the Atlanta shooting. (NBC News)
Donate : #hateisavirus CommuNITY action fund. (HateIsAVirus)
Read : Joint response to the Call for Evidence on Ethnic Disparities and Inequality in the UK. (JointReport)
Participate : Help map, quantity and give your experience of hate crime in a national hate crime survey for East and Southeast Asians by CASVIC. (Hackney Chinese)
Sign : Petition to stop depicting East and Southeast Asians in Coronavirus related media. (besea.n)
Donate : Save the London Chinese Community Centre. (Just Giving)
Soon the rainbow will follow.
I know it.
To my ESEA folx, my sxsters across the world, I love you. 💛
Image by @sh.vets