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One Big, Long Free Fall

Spotted this beautiful reminder in Shoreditch.

I spent much of this week working on a personal project. I have been compiling images from life so far, moments that touch me deeply to this day. Sorting through thousands and thousands of images is somehow as therapeutic as it is arduous. And so very fascinating to (re)discover what I do remember, what I greatly cherished but have forgotten, and moments which felt a lot more significant than they seem in retrospect.

I intended to get these printed as photo books in time for Christmas as a gift to myself. Although I'm nowhere near done, this process has already led me to acknowledge that I've lived a great life so far. This is a fact. But one that can be very tricky to remember when my vision is tunnelled towards the person I have yet become. I really appreciated this rabbit hole down memory lane.

If there's one thing I learnt in this process,

it is to let life figure itself out.

No need for the worries of

what could be, what should be

but simply what is.

Fret less, smile more often. :)

Leaving you with a quote from one of my favourite music artist :

You are overwhelmed and haven’t learned to be your own friend through this yet. You will. Your fear of jumping without a net is so valid, and the trick that you haven’t learned yet is that that’s life, always and everywhere. There are no nets. Life is a big, long free fall, and the sooner you can embrace what is beautiful about that, the sooner you will start to enjoy the ride.”

Image by @hngstrm




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